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Church Bulletin Inserts for Churches: The Facts of the Faith

Sample of Week 1These bulletin inserts gradually inform Christians of various facts, evidences, and reasonings that help them understand that their faith is not baseless. They are designed by apologist Anthony Horvath. Currently pursuing his masters in apologetics, his seven years in educational ministries and a decade of apologetics experience informed their creation.

Incidentally, my apologetics bulletin series has been uncommended by an atheist because it will be effective!

Little tidbits and facts will tend to solidify Christian beliefs in the bulletins and would NOT tend to start people on dangerous thinking paths. I hate the idea.

Well, if an atheist says he doesn’t like the idea it must be good. 🙂

Anthony was interviewed by ReachFM in Florida about this bulletin series. The interview is here:

InterviewWithReachFM (9.4 MiB, 2,732 hits)

Available Bulletin Inserts (Free):

Bulletin Insert on Narnia and Prince Caspian

Bulletin Insert to Prince Caspian (215.6 KiB, 1,154 hits)

Christian Response to Philip Pullman’s “The Golden Compass” (more info)

BulletinChristianParentResponsetoPullman (203.6 KiB, 6,068 hits)

Athanatos Online Apologetics Academy – Spring 2009 Session

spring2009acadsessionInsert (123.2 KiB, 1,768 hits)

Advent Year A Series (more info):

YearA.Advent.Week1 (606.6 KiB, 2,118 hits)

YearA.Advent.Week2 (359.9 KiB, 1,774 hits)

YearA.Advent.Week3 (568.9 KiB, 1,096 hits)

YearA.Advent.Week4 (846.8 KiB, 1,055 hits)

AdventYearABulletinInserts.zip (2.3 MiB, 951 hits)

Click Here for a Blog Entry Expanding on my bulletin inserts.Here is the press release.

bulletin logo

The Church Year bulletins all generally have the following sections:

  • That week’s Texts.
  • Introductory Thought Provoker
  • Brief Interesting Comment
  • The Church Fathers Speak
  • Biblical Language Insight
  • Going Deeper
  • A Bit of Archeology

‘Mere Christianity’ is the operative phrase for guiding the development of these bulletins. For example, the Advent series quotes from Justin the Martyr, Augustine, Irenaeus, and Thomas Aquinas. No endorsement of that author’s quote is to be construed from its inclusion in the bulletin.

Suggestions on usage:

These bulletin inserts attempt to play off of the readings for that day so in order for some of the content to make sense, the readings may need to actually be read. Also, some content was chosen because in the course of Anthony’s decade long experience as an apologist, he has determined that a piece of commentary is relevant to the modern challenges that atheists, skeptics, and non-Christians have raised against Christianity, even if the reader does not recognize that. Also, some passages may be difficult to understand just on the level of readability. For example, selections from the Church Fathers can be tedious to get through. Hopefully, though, there is something in each bulletin that is accessible to individuals across the spectrum of knowledge and literacy.

These inserts can be used as,

  • Supplemental Study Materials for Parishioners.
  • Sermon Idea Generator for Pastors
  • Anecdotal Inclusion in Newsletters, Etc.

Costs and License

There may be a charge for using some bulletins, while others will be free.  Under all circumstances, all rights are reserved and you may not use them apart from the terms of the license, which is usually on the insert itself, or might be on the page describing them.
Technical Concerns

The files are available in 4 separate PDF files originally packaged in a ZIP file. This package is about 2.3 MB in size, so it is recommended you do not download them using dial-up. To extract the files, you will need a program to decompress the ZIP archive. Many computers will do this automatically. However, a free program at www.7-zip.org will do the trick as well. If you have any problems, contact Anthony at sntjohnny@sntjohnny.com.

When you make your purchase through paypal or a credit card, be sure to use a working email address. You will be able to download the file through the email you receive or off of the payment completion page.

On Printing: Let’s say you want to print 100 bulletins. What you do is print off that week’s PDF and make 50 copies. Take the copies out and flip them over or rotate so they can copy to the other side correctly and make 50 more copies. You can now simply cut them in half on the provided dividing line. If your copy machine can’t seem to handle this task, feel free to print off a copy and create your own templates using scotch tape and scissors.

On Printing: Margins: the margins are tight because of the amount of content crammed into the inserts. They have been printed successfully, however. If you receive the prompt: “Writing is outside of the printable area” go ahead and print it anyway, as it should still work. If not, use the scotch tape and scissors method. 🙂 If all else fails, contact Anthony at sntjohnny@sntjohnny.com.

Please initiate such contact several days before you need the bulletins ready.

Christian Apologetics T-Shirts:

In another effort to increase apologetic knowledge of Christians and non-Christians alike, check out these t-shirts put together by my brother at www.apologia315.com. The shirts put difficult questions people have on the shirts with brief answers in the hopes of inspiring evangelism opportunities.


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